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Selenium Live Project Training | 11-March-2025 | 8:00 pm | Enroll |
About Course
Why Choose us?
OnlineITvidhya is the greatest resource for Selenium online training. Our best and most knowledgeable staff will make this course easy for you to understand. Mentors can help you with any learning challenges because they have a wealth of knowledge in the field. Our trainers will ensure to keep you ahead of other individuals by talking about every pertinent subject.
The system is determined, in detail empowering frameworks balanced by our coaches, which will allow you to understand the data adequately and effectively.
What will you learn in this Selenium online training program?
In this Selenium certification training course, you’ll study the following areas of study:
- Advantages of Selenium automation testing
- Selenium RC
- Deploying Selenium IDE functions and commands
- Sikuli, JUnit, and the TestNG plugin in Eclipse
- Object repository and Maven
- Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
- Selenium WebDriver training programs, including Textbox, Checkbox, and multiple Windows
- Using Selenium Grid for software automation testing
How will Selenium advance your career?
Major businesses now opt to employ open-source automated testing solutions to reduce the expense and work associated with manual testing. One such free, open-source tool for testing websites automatically is Selenium.
Selenium outperforms all other automation tools in terms of performance, execution speed, and browser interaction. Selenium is the most widely used automation testing tool because of the test packages, unattended execution options, and the ability to write test scripts in any language Selenium supports.
Selenium is the top automation testing tool since it supports multiple operating systems and numerous programming languages, including Python, Ruby, PHP,.NET, C#, and Java, as well as numerous browsers.
Who can learn this course?
The automation testing industry is expanding significantly on a global scale, and for the following IT specialists, this strong development pattern coupled with market demand represents a fantastic opportunity.
→ Freshers
→ QA engineers and software testers
→ Analysts of systems
→ Software Professionals
→ Administrators of systems
If you fit any of the aforementioned descriptions, contact our assistant staff right away and sign up for our Selenium training course. It is advantageous if you have some familiarity with C or Java.
What are the prerequisites of Online IT Vidhya’s Software Testing Live Project Training program?
Any technical degree or its equivalents, such as a B.Tech, M.Tech, an engineering degree, a bachelor’s or, master’s in computer science, and knowledge of fundamental programming.
Placement Assistance:
Students who complete the course at OnlineITvidhya will receive a certificate that is recognized for a lifetime all over the world. We can compete with the greatest businesses in the field.
Organizations will increase your capacity for work and raise the bar on your total performance. Before leaving the institute after successfully finishing the course, the students will receive the appropriate supervision. Our students will receive placement support up until they land a job they enjoy.
- Fundamentals of Test Automation
- Difference in between Manual Testing and Automation
- What are the advantages of automation testing
- What is Selenium IDE
- Introduction to Selenium
- Comparison with other tools
- Components of Selenium
- What is Automation Testing
- Licensed v/s open-source Automation Tools
- Overview of selenium and other Tools
- What Selenium is and how it is used in real time
- Features of selenium
- What is Selenium IDE
- Installing IDE
- Record and playback
- Converting selenium script into other languages
- Selenese Commands
- Limitations of IDE
- Debugging in IDE
- Batch testing in IDE
- Default Timeout
- User Extensions
- Installation of java
- Installation Eclipse IDE
- How to create new java project
- How to create a new java Class
- Compiling and Running java class
- Analyzing results of java program
- Introduction to Java
- Installing JDK
- Configuring Eclipse IDE
- Creating Java Project
- Sample Java Program
- Introduction to java programming
- Primitive and Non-Primitive Data types
- Types of variables ( Local, Instance and static variables)
- What is an Array?
- Types of Arrays
- Working with single Dimensional Arrays
- Working with Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- How to create classes, objects and object References
- Working with constructors
- Working with Methods(instance, static
- How to write user Defined Methods
- Methods Arguments call by value and call by reference
- Downloading Selenium server jar
- Configuring Selenium into the Java Project
- Conditional Statements in Java
- Loops in Java
- Arrays in Java
- Array List in Java
- Set in collection
- Methods in Java
- Method return types
- Utility Functions in Java
- Do while
- For Loop
- While Loop
- For Each Loop
- Examples for all the above Loops
- Local and Global variables in Java
- Static and Instance Variables in Java
- Abstraction
- Strings in java
- Constructors in java
- What is a package
- Access Modifiers (private, default, protected and public)
- this keyword
- Data hiding
- Tightly encapsulated
- Data abstraction
- What is polymorphism
- Compile time Polymorphism
- Method Overloading
- Constructor overloading
- Runtime polymorphism
- What is Inheritance
- Why use Inheritance
- Single Level Inheritance multilevel Inheritance
- Super keyword
- Use of inheritance
- How to define Interface
- How to implement Interface
- Multiple Inheritances (Through Interface)
- How to define Abstract Class
- Implements vs. extends
- Interface vs. Abstract class vs. Concrete Class
- What are exceptions and errors?
- Checked Exception or Compile time Exception
- Unchecked Exception or Runtime Exception
- How to handle exceptions in the program?
- Using try, catch and finally blocks throws
- Differences b/w throw and throws
- Overview of Collections API
- Arrays v/s Collections
- List, Set, Map interfaces
- Array List ,Linked List, Hash Map
- Working with elements of a Collection
- Examples for all the above concepts
- Selenium WebDriver Overview
- Features and Limitations of Web driver
- Configuring Selenium WebDriver in Eclipse IDE(Adding Selenium Libraries)
- WebDriver Architecture
- WebDriver Drivers
- Browser Launching Automation
- Working on
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chrome
- Opera
- IE
- Locating Elements in Web driver
- Handling Web Elements
- Firebug and Fire path
- Login functionality test
- Locators in Web driver
- Methods in Web driver
- Object Identification
- Find Element and Find Elements
- Different types of Locators
- Html Tags and DOM structure
- Identifying Objects using XPath
- How to use Regular Expressions in XPath and Css Selectors
- Firefox Profiles
- Making web driver launch a customized instance of Firefox
- Basic HTML notations
- Links Testing
- Clicking on a link and validating
- Capturing all links in a page
- Capturing links from a section of the page
- Capturing links from a section of the page and validating them.
- Links Testing
- Visible links and Hidden links
- Validating all the links based on href property
- Checking for broken links
- Dropdown Testing
- Selection an option from the dropdown
- Select class to automate dropdown
- Capturing all element in a dropdown
- Checking if all options in dropdown are working correctly
- Validating multiple dropdowns
- Take screen Handling dropdowns/list boxes
- Web Elements Interface methods
- Handling Text Field and Text Area
- Textbox Interaction
- Checking Status of Radio Buttons
- Handling Radio Buttons Dynamically
- Get Names of Checkboxes
- Navigate Checkboxes Using XPath
- How to Click a Button on Webpage
- Running tests in background
- Headless Testing
- Html Unit Driver, Phantom JS
- XPaths
- Types of XPaths
- Relative and Absolute
- Creation of relative XPaths
- Creation of Absolute XPaths
- Customizing XPaths
- Handling Dynamic XPaths
- XPath Axes
- CSS Selectors
- Creation of CSS Selectors
- Comparison between XPath and CSS Selectors
- Relative and Absolute CSS
- Handling Dynamic CSS Selectors
- Introduction to TestNG
- Configuring TestNG into Eclipse.
- Annotations in TestNG.
- Prioritizing test cases.
- Ignoring Test cases.
- Advantages of TestNG.
- Using testing.xml
- Parameterization
- TestNG Listeners
- TestNG Reports
- TestNG groups
- TestNG Assertions
- TestNG Data Provider
- Different Testing Annotations
- Create Testing
- Reporting Results
- Assert methods
- Automating Tabs
- Automating multiple windows
- Handling popup
- Java Script Executor
- Generating Alerts
- Handling Alerts
- Handling hidden components directly using Java Script Executor
- Introduction to Synchronization
- Thread.sleep()
- Implicit wait
- Wait for an element
- Wait for the entire page to load
- Explicit Wait
- Web Driver Wait
- Fluent wait
- Visibility and Invisibility Conditions
- What are Ajax Components
- Handling Ajax Autosuggestions
- Cookies Testing
- Capturing the cookies info
- Deleting all the cookies
- Captcha Automation
- Radio Buttons Testing
- Check Boxes Testing
- Automating input fields
- Advanced user interactions
- Mouse Hovering
- Right Clicking
- Double Clicking
- Chain Actions
- Drag and drop and element
- Automating Slider bar
- Introduction to Web table Testing
- Handling static web table
- Handling dynamic web table
- Automating Datepicker(calendar)
- What is Use of Screenshot
- Capture Screenshot
- Capture Multiple Screenshots
- How to perform actions using Java
- Auto IT, Robot, Sikuli
- Handling Window Components
- Installing Auto it
- Notepad Automation
- Integrating Auto IT and Selenium
- File download using Auto IT
- File upload using AutoIT
- Understanding Robot Class
- File download using Robot
- File upload using Robot
- Configuring Sikuli
- File download using Sikuli
- File upload using Sikuli
- Apache POI
- Configuring POI into the project
- Interacting with Excel
- Read operations on excel
- Write operations on excel
- Dropdown Testing and storing the results in Excel
- Web table testing and storing the results in excel
- What is a Framework?
- Types of Frameworks
- How to implement Data Driven framework
- How to implement Page Object Model
- How to implement Hybrid framework
- How to implement Keyword driven
- Framework
- How to execute the scripts from frameworks
- Integration with Maven and Jenkins
- Creating the folder structure
- Definitions of Data driven, Keyword driven, Modular driven and
- Hybrid frameworks.
- Creating Data Driven Framework
- Creating Test data excel files
- Using the test data to test the web application
- Creating a Data Engine to control the automation test suite
- Keyword Driven Testing
- Creation of Properties File
- Object Repository
- Creating Actions Keywords Excel file
- Reflections in Java to handle keywords
- Creating Modular Driven Framework
- Creating reusable functions
- Hybrid Framework
- Introduction to BDD
- Installing Eclipse Cucumber plug-in
- Downloading Cucumber and configuring in Eclipse
- Feature File
- Gherkin keywords
- Cucumber Options
- Data driven Testing in Cucumber
- Examples Keyword
- Data tables in Cucumber
- End to End Testing using Cucumber programs on multiple browsers and OS using Dockers
- What is POM
- Why should we use POM?
- How to implement POM in selenium
- Advantages of POM
- Creating Page classes
- Defining element in page class
- Defining in Functions
- What is Page Factory?
- Creating POM using Page Factory
- Use of @FindyBy
- Use of init Elements
- SVN and GIT
- Version Controlling
- Creating a free SVN account
- Usage of TortoiseSVN
- Check in and Checkout in SVN
- Installing Git
- GIT bash and GIT HUB
- Creating a Git local repository
- Creating Git Hub account
- Uploading into Git hub(push)
- Downloading from Git Hub(pull)
- Introduction to Maven
- Maven local and Global repositories
- Creating a maven artifact from command prompt
- Configuring maven project into Eclipse
- Creating a Maven local repository
- Adding Jars into Maven local repository
- Stages in Maven.
- Configuring Maven from Eclipse plug-in
- Maven as a build tool
- Maven Commands
- Selenium Grid
- What is Grid
- Configuring Hub and Nodes
- Serial and parallel testing
- Cross browser Testing
- Cross platform Testing
- Customizing the nodes
- Using JSON to configure Hub and Nodes
- End to End Testing in Grid
- DB Testing
- Installing MySql Database
- How to configure with Eclipse
- Connection Interface Commands
- Statement Interface Commands
- Result Set Interface Command
- Creating sample tables
- Understanding JDBC
- Connecting Java code with DB
- Executing SQL queries
- Integrating JDBC with selenium
- Different tools for implementing CI
- Jenkins
- Continuous Integration
- Downloading Jenkins
- Dashboard of Jenkins
- Scheduling the automation build
- Sending automated mails when the build executes
- Integrating Jenkins with Git.
- Parallel testing of selenium programs on multiple browsers and OS using Jenkins
- API Introduction
- Introduction to Postman API Testing tool
- Client –server Architecture
- API Testing using Postman
- API Testing Terminology
- HTTP Structure
- Creating Request in postman
- Understanding variable and environment in postman
- Authorization in postman
- Assertion/Test Scripts in postman
- API testing Status code
- Scripts in API Testing
- API Chaining
- Advanced Topics
- Creation of Own Apis
- Real Time Senarios
- Docker Basics & Installation
- Integrate Selenium Grid and Docker
- Running our automated tests inside a Docker container
- Application Overview
- Live Project overview
- Project Description
- Tools used in the Project (Jenkins, Maven, GitHub, Docker and AutolT)
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Introduction to Tosca
- Tosca Installation/Setup
- Tosca Commander
- Record/Playback
- Modules and Testcase Section
- Synchronization
- Test Case Design
- Execution List
Lifetime Access
You will be provided with lifetime access to presentations, quizzes, installation guides and notes.
After each training module there will be a quiz to assess your learning.
24*7 Support
We have a lifetime 24*7 Online Expert Support to resolve all your Technical queries.
We have a community forum for our learners that facilitates further learning through peer interaction and knowledge sharing.
After successfully complete your course OnlineITvidhya will give you course completion Certificate.
Mock Interviews
Explore what the real-time interviews expect from you.
The Trainers are very good, friendly manners, the way they explain the tester course, it's really understandable, anyone can learn if they teach in the same way. Good platform to learn software testing.
Had a wonderful experience. The instructor was very clear with the concepts and made us understand with real time examples. Thanks to OnlineITvidhya.
Best training for freshers who are looking to start a career in Software Testing. Approach and training is easy to understand even for non-tech background users.