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Java Online Training | 11-March-2025 | 7:00 am | Enroll |
About Course
Why choose us?
Since its release two or three decades ago, Java has become the most popular programming language on the market. The most beneficial online training program for choosing a career as a Java programmer is offered by OnlineITvidhya’s Java course. Our crew is among the best in the industry, and they are incredibly engaged with the pupils. Our team will continue to support and encourage the students to put their dreams of becoming Java programmers into action. Our faculty will gladly address any queries made by the students in order to ensure that they fully understand the course or subject.
Who can learn this course?
Java training online Anyone with basic computer experience, including postgraduates, new graduates, and working professionals, can choose training through OnlineITvidhya. Every organization in the world uses Java to run a variety of projects, applications, and mobile operating systems for Android devices. Anyone will be forced to choose it above other programming languages due to its strong compatibility with any device and security level. Since Java’s inception, there hasn’t been any growth for Java programmers. Many sizable companies are still in need of a good Java programmer.
What are the prerequisites of OnlineITvidhya’s Java Online Training program?
This course can be taken without any prior knowledge. Java is one of the greatest programming languages to learn if you want to become familiar with any of them. Additionally, Online IT Vidhya’s Java Online Training Program The basics of the programming language are covered in the first lesson of any online Java course.
Placement Assistance:
The pupils will have a chance to work for the greatest companies in the world thanks to our regular encouraging practices. Trail Interviews led by our group during the course will help you get the confidence to approach the HR department in the organizations. Our group will also help you learn how to connect with one another to support your ability to participate in group conversations. After passing an exam to receive global certification for completing the Java course online learning program with us, our team will make you strong and stable for all you might encounter outside. We at online IT Vidhya will develop your skills and do our best to help you in a superior organization that will effectively use your knowledge and abilities with a good package to strengthen you from where you are.
- What is Java?
- Java Platform and Architecture.
- Java Features.
- The independent Java platform
- JVM,JRE,Byte Codes
- Memory Management (Garbage Collector)
- Basic Java Application
- Data Types in Java
- Operators in Java
- Keywords in Java
- Type Casting
- Programming Constructs.
- Arrays implementation in Java
- Overview of OOPs
- Constructors
- Different Types of Methods
- Advance Access Controls
- Static Blocks
- Inner Classes, Static Inner Classes, Anonymous Inner Classes
- Boxing and Auto Boxing.
- Constructor Overloading
- Method Overload
- Creating Single, Multilevel Inheritance Applications
- Using super
- Using this keyword
- Method Overriding
- Polymorphism
- Creating Interfaces
- Usage of Interfaces.
- Creating Abstract classes
- Usage of Abstract classes
- Differentiate between Interface and Abstract Classes
- How Interface overcomes the design implementation over Abstract Classes
- Creating User-Defined Packages
- Setting the Class path for User-Defined Packages
- Static imports Advantage and Disadvantages
- Package Scope
- Explain the need of Exception Handling
- Exception Class Hierarchy and explain the Types of Exception
- Use and Explain the try-catch block, nested try-catch block and multipath-block
- Use and Explain the finally block
- Explain the need of Generics
- Creating Simple Generic Classes and Generic Methods
- Creating Bounded Generic Types
- Creating Generic Interfaces
- IO Hierarchy
- Types of sterams
- File Classes and its methods
- Input & Output Stream Classes
- Reader and Writer Classes
- Serialization in Java
- Introduction to Threads
- Threads Life Cycle and Methods of Thread Class
- Unable Interface and its Usage
- Difference between Thread class and Unable Interface
- Creating Single Thread Java Applications
- Creating Multi-thread Java Applications
- Difference between yield and sleep method
- Explain and implement the use of join method
- IPC (Inter –Process Communication with Threads)
- How to Handle Deadlock Situation
- Need of Collection Framework
- Collection Framework Hierarchy and its Classes and Interfaces
- Set Interfaces and the Concrete Classes(Tree Set and Hash Set Classes)
- Iterate Interface
- List Interface and its Concrete Classes. (Array List, Vector, Linked List)
- Using the List Iterator Interface with List Collections
- Map Interface
- Hash Map, Hash Table, Tree Map, Linked Hash Map Usage and their differences
- Sorting in Collections
- Comparable and Comparator Interface difference and Usage
- Sorted Set and Sorted Map Interface implementation
Lifetime Access
You will be provided with lifetime access to presentations, quizzes, installation guides and notes.
After each training module there will be a quiz to assess your learning.
24*7 Support
We have a lifetime 24*7 Online Expert Support to resolve all your Technical queries.
We have a community forum for our learners that facilitates further learning through peer interaction and knowledge sharing.
After successfully complete your course OnlineITvidhya will give you course completion Certificate.
Mock Interviews
Explore what the real-time interviews expect from you.
The Trainer was full of knowledge and excellent skills. The classes were also regular as they promised.
I am non IT background mechanical engineer, OnlineITvidhya which is very helpful to learn. I really enjoyed learning new skills.
Teaching was excellent. If you provide the certificate it would be very helpful for us.